Grand Royal 03 (1996) (DREGS-IA)
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Grand Royal 03 (1996) (DREGS-IA)
- Publication date
- 1996
- Topics
- Magazine, Music Magazine, Grand Royal, Los Angeles, Beastie Boys, Spike Jones, Mark Lewman, Graffiti Rock, Future Shock, Evel Knievel, Dr. Octagon, Pavement, Ricky Powell, Harlem Globetrotters, Gandhi, Adam Yauch, Dalai Lama, Tibetan Freedom Concert, Mark Gonzales, Weird Al Yankovich, Yoko Ono, Russell Simmins, Beck, Iron-On, Bob Moog, Wendy Carlos, Dave VanKoevering, Keyboard Money Mark, Herschel Gaer, Theremin, Sterolab, Dick Hyman, Adidas, Jesco White, Beat Boxing, Biz Markie, Holloway House, Run-DMC, Heart Attack Man, Darren Robinson
- Collection
- cinemamagazinesmisc; cinemamagazines; magazine_rack
- Item Size
- 570.5M
Grand Royal 03, 1996, 142 pages, $4.95, Los Angeles, CA.
Often Wrong, Never in Doubt
table of contents pages 1-50 6 EDITORIAL A message about this blessed mess. 10 POOL SKIMMER Spike Jonze's guide to dipping. 12 DON'T TOUCH THAT DIAL Graffiti Rock and Future Shock are on next. 16 Evel Knievel's BRUSHES WITH DANGER. 20 RICKY POWELL leaids a hectic life. 21 HOW TO READ A HORSE and other essential trackside info from Pavement's Nastanovich. 22 Doctor Octagon’s PRESCRIPTION STRENGTH discourse on trash cinema. 24 THOSE METTLING KIDS: The chic of metal is hack and . uglier than ever.
25 Bass master Mike Watt is THE MAN WITH THE VAN. 26 AIR BAG JACKING and other crimes are brought to light via Virge. 28 "Pearl Powell" faces off with GLOBETROTTING LEGEND Geese Aushie. 30 ACTIVATE yourself without violence. 32 AFTER-HOURS OLYMPICS at the Tonga Room. 34 YAUCH DELIVERS the Dalai Lama. 38 MARK GONZALES with the latest in eyebrow hair removal. 40 Mike D and Russell Simins plug YANKOVIC, YASOO, and YOKO in the mix. pages 52-95 92 THE SOUNDS OF SCIENCE come together in 32 pages of analog boogaloo, including: 54 BOB MOOG and the machine that rocked the world. 58 WENDY CARLOS goes Bach to the future. 62 Dave VanKoevering's ISLAND OF ELECTRONICUS. 65 MIKE D's TOP 10 Moog-infested records. 66 WALTER SEAR, a tuba salesman who helped launch the Moog. 68 Audities and the SYNTHESIZER STOCKPILE. 69 FOOD FOR THOUGHT from the pages of MOOG COOKBOOK. 72 The Fort Knox of loose grooves, KEYBOARD MONEY MARK. 76 The permanent collection at the NEW ENGLAND SYNTHESIZER MUSEUM is nothing to sneeze at. 78 STEP-BY-STEP instructions on how to build а non-operative THEREMIN. 82 A slab of blab from STEREOLAB. 88 The ten-step program for PROG ROCK. 84 Moog Maestro DICK HYMAN gets to meet Eric Bonerz. pages 96-140 96 THE HISTORY OF ADIDAS: Three stripes and you're in. 108 ON THE GOOD FOOT with Jesco White, dancin’ outlaw. 112 Advertisement 116 SPRAY IT DON'T SAY IT with human heat boxing. 118 BIZ's heats. 120 New developments on the VINTAGE CAMERA tip. 121 STREET-LIT 101 with Halloway House Books. 125 A critical essay and deconstruction of CHUCKLE. 126 BOB MACK RUNS AMOK while impersonating Mike D at a golf tournament 138 In memoriam.
- Addeddate
- 2023-05-17 03:57:23
- Identifier
- grand-royal-03-1996-dregs-ia
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- Year
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